Program Development |
Mission Statement Mission of the De Smet School District: The mission of the De Smet School District is to develop the potential of all students by helping them acquire the knowledge, skills, and character traits necessary to become lifelong learners and contributing citizens in a changing society. The vision of the De Smet District is to be a community of learners who will:
This can be accomplished by the joint efforts of the students, staff, parents/guardians, and community members. Planning De Smet Leadership Team Jim Altenburg, Superintendent Jay Nelson, Elementary Principal Tricia Holland, Title I Teacher Tammy Albrecht, 4th Grade Teacher Emily Koehler High School Science Teacher April Rusche, 6th Grade - 12th Grade Art Teacher Shelly Osthus, Middle School Math and Basic Algebra Teacher Melody Perry, Parent Terry Cordrey, School Improvement Specialist, ESA Region 1
On August 23 and 24, 2007, the De Smet Leadership Team met to analyze academic, demographic, programs, and perception information during a two-day retreat. The purpose of this meeting was to analyze data and determine district goals based on current data. The Leadership Team met again on November 12, 2007 to develop district goals and measurable objectives, and to discuss instructional strategies and assessments for the Accreditation Plan. All staff worked on finishing the Accreditation Plan on April 10,2008.
Academic performance data included the Dakota STEP Test Results and information from the Standards Based Reporting website (eMetric). Other indicators used were the SAT 9 Writing results. Perception data included a staff survey. Demographic data linked to the school, such as enrollment, ethnicity, economically disadvantaged, special populations, and gender were collected from the Statistical Digest. Results from the comprehensive needs assessment were utilized to develop a school profile that led to the district's goals and measurable objectives.